
Leather, mustaches, guitar solos that break the sound barrier and falsettos that test the eardrums: Tyrantti brought back the tradition in Finnish heavy metal.

Tyrantti caught the attention of the Finnish rock and metal audience with their 2019 namesake debut which along with their ambitious second album “Orjaplaneetta” are known for numerous modern Finnish heavy classics. The records that entered Finnish album charts and the amazing music videos paved the way for Tyrantti’s rise towards the absolute top of Finnish heavy rock. But more than anything, Tyrantti is a hyper-energetic live band, whose tight trio playing and David Lee Rothesque jump kicks make the listener gasp for air and consume malt beverages at an unprecedented speed.

The album release tours played to full clubs and the numerous festival dates speak for themselves: Tyrantti and traditional heavy metal have made a comeback – they are here to stay.