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Responsibility for Tuska means concrete actions and development work in each of the three areas of sustainable development: social responsibility, environmental responsibility and economic responsibility. By developing all three in a balanced way, we are accelerating change for the better.

In a nutshell:
Tuska is a tribe that is safe to belong to. Going crazy, shouting and having fun are basic rights for everyone at Tuska. Everyone is allowed to do these things as long as they respect others and the principles of equality, fairness and diversity
The focus of our environmental work is on reducing the environmental impact of the event and promoting environmental responsibility and awareness in cooperation with festival partners, service providers, subcontractors and the public. We are constantly working towards more sustainable solutions and compensating for what we cannot immediately change for the better.
Tuska indirectly employs around a thousand people a year. The economic multiplier effects of the festival weekend are significant for many sectors and actors.
Tuska’s influence extends to society’s backstage, from co-operation with local residents to increasing social inclusion and supporting low-income families.

Lue tarkemmin Tuskan vastuullisuudesta.

How to act responsibly in the Tuska festival area:

1. 1. Use public transport to get to and from Tuska.
2. 2. Try not to generate food waste and drink waste.
3. 3. Recycle actively: dispose of your trash in either biowaste or mixed waste containers.
4. 4. Return deposit cans to their collection points.
5. 5. Use the tap water points located throughout the festival area.
6. 6. Come as you are, but don’t cause a nuisance to others. If you observe inappropriate behaviour, inform one of the stewards or our harassment contact person.